Au Pair in Irland
Erfahrungsbericht von Lea
My time as an au pair was amazing. My family was at the first day so lovely and nice to me that I felt very welcome.My first two weeks were a little bit weird because everything was a new situation for me. I lived with a unkown family together and I need to take care of 4 children and i had no idea what they like and what not. But the parents and the two older children helpt me a lot and I learned everything really fast. And for the rest of my months I had a great time with the kids, we did a lot and it was very funny. It was nice that the family showed me everything around and that I get in contect with the rest of their familys. There were all so lovely to me and I had spoken with them a lot what was so funny and I liked it so much because they told me many storys. Another good point was that my family asked me every time if I want to come with them for shopping or for a walk. That was great because than I had more time with the family beside my working hours and I learned more about them. We had a lot of fun together.
Also my family helpt me to get in contact with other au pairs. That was really helpful because from this time I had new friends. We were so close and understood each other from the first moment. We travelled a lot together. Every weekend we droved to a city, beach or made a bustrip from paddywagon tours. It was so amazing to saw more from the country where I lived for 3 months.
I made a lot of experience in this 3 months and it was in different directions. On the one side I made much experience with the exercise to take care of children. Because it was different to my work at home. Here I had the kids longer, look after them if they each much and are healthy, to get all my tasks done in the time and deal with every problems they had. Sometimes It was really stressful with 4 kids to make everything great for them but in the end I made it and I was really happy. On the other side I made a lot of experience with the language because it was new for me to speak the whole time englisch. At the beginning I was a bit afraid of speaking englisch because I knew from the school that my englisch wasn´t good and I was afraid what is when the family don´t understand me. But then I believed in me and I spoke a lot and then the whole family told me that I speak really good. After this I was happy to hear it and if felt better. So my anxiety of speaking englisch was gone and this experience helpt me a lot because before I was really afraid to speak english in puplic and now I know I speak great and I believe in me more after this.
Another good experience was that I was here on my own I had no parents or other people who did things for me. So the result was that there was a lot things to deal with it. For instance to look after the bus, plan the weekendtrips and find a good hostel. At the start everything was new for me but I made it well. At the end I became independent and I´m so glad for this. I feel more mature than before.
My whole experience I made as an au pair was so helpful for the rest of my life. Now I´m more independent, can speak well englisch and can deal with every problem.
I´m so glad and happy that I made this desicion because I made so much experience which nobody can take it from me, lived with a beautiful family together, had a lot of fun with the kids and learned new friends.